Natural Decaf



Tasting notes

Roasted to a Medium Dark profile to enhance the natural chocolate notes, sugarcane sweetness and light herbal aroma.

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From € 19. Shipping included.

Natural Decaffeination Process

We’ve kept for you all the goodness & flavour from the coffee beans, simply without the caffeine! It’s perfect for those moments when you don’t want the caffeine boost, but still want a full flavoured coffee!

Detailed cup profile

Decaf coffees are sometimes associated with a metallic aftertaste - you’ll find none of it in our Mexico decaf bean. The chemical-free decaffeinating process preserves all of its unique flavours to give you a smooth, medium bodied drink, low acidity with subtle herby notes and light chocolatey aftertaste.

Perfect preparation

All milky coffees; a light and flavourful espresso; French Press.

Whole beans
Fine grind

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Jones Brothers Coffee Club

We believe we have a responsibility and a role in the coffee chain, from crop to cup to connect more coffee consumers to coffee farmers. Coffee is not just our passion; it is our daily ritual, our inspiration, our motivation.

Made in Amsterdam.

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